Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tammy O

Well, just got the message. As for your rude comment, take it to the streets.
Isn't that where you live, on the streets?

BTW- I only posted one time tiny dancer and I can out write YOU any day.
Rotate on that one or want to be friends? As for the marathon Tammy O-
I have a cottage on the Island so why would I trip down w/o a reason? I can GO anytime.

As for balls, you have not seen bad yet. You think you have, you have not.
Since you maliciously said what you would like to do to me, here is what you get in return: I am trained in Shotokan, cross bow and I own weapons legally which I use.
I target practice 4X a week.

See ya and don't want to be ya! Oh it would be a hell of a fight girlie-